2024 Pierce County Endorsements
Pierce County Democratic Elections Committee Chair
Patti Daily - Pattidailey28@gmail.com
2nd Legislative District Chair
Dave Little - twoeakster@gmail.com
25th Legislative District Chair
Jenn Marie Strickling Jennmarieartist@outlook.com
26th Legislative District Chair
Thomas Slyter - tomslyter2@gmail.com
27th Legislative District Chair
Whitney Stevens - Whitney@theviabilityproject.com
28th Legislative District Chair
Ashley Fedan - Afedan@mac.com
29th Legislative District Chair
Kimber Starr - chair@29thdems.com
31st Legislative District Chair
Sarah Edwards - sedwards2971@gmail.com
Candidate Questionnaires
Click on a bird to view the questionnaire.
WA Attorney General
Manka Dhingra Nick Brown
PC Council District 4
Rodney Robinson Rosie Ayala
PC Superior Court Dept 4
John Cummings Rebecca Reeder
PC Superior Court Dept 9
Doris Walkins Scott Peters
PC Superior Court Dept 7
Diana Kiesel
PC Superior Court Dept 10
Philip Thornton Camille Schaefer
PC Superior Court Dept 14
Ingrid McLeod
CD 6
Emily Randle Hilary Franz
Pierce County Sheriff
Patti Jackson Craig Gocha
Washington Supreme Court Position 2
Sal Munjia
The Pierce County Democrats are proud to endorse candidates running for public office who demonstrate solid Democratic values.
We endorse at the County, State and Judicial levels only.
We trust our legislative districts to conduct legislative district endorsements, and the candidates they choose to endorse are considered endorsed by the Pierce County Democrats.
Questionnaires have been sent out to candidates who are well known here in Pierce County.
If we have missed you we apologize please email our
Pierce County Elections Chair Patti Dailey pattidailey28@gmail.com
The Pierce County Democrats will be happy to send that out right away.
If we have not endorsed you before, or if we have endorsed you prior,
but you are running for a new office.
We will you to fill out a new questionnaire as well as an interview.
Thank you for your interest in an endorsement with the Pierce County Democrats.
We are excited to hear how we can work together on addressing the needs in Pierce County.

For Candidates Seeking Endorsements
For candidates at the Judicial, County, Federal and State levels, we invite you to complete the appropriate questionnaire and submit to our Endorsement Committee Chair at pattidailey28@gmail.com for consideration by the Pierce County Democrats.